Ricky Bobby the Wildebeests’ Resume.

Ricky Bobby [email protected]
191 Attanav lane
Djibouti, East Africa

  • Summary

graduated with a masters degree in automotive mechanics.

qualifications: extensive knowledge on car restoration, and motor repairs.

Proven aggressive work ethic, in times of endearment.

Excellent management skills.

willing to travel to relocate.

  • Professional Experience.


Democratic Republic of Congo United Nations Automotive Mechanics Repair.

Automotive Mechanic.

over 900 vehicles repaired under my supervision from 2003 through 2012.

Developed a close relationship with clientele, providing regular maintenance check ups.

Repaired 21 vehicles in 4 days, proving my reliability under pressure.

employ of the month, 94 months straight.

youngest Wildebeest to ear over 2.6 million in one calendar year.

  • Insurance agent.

July 16, 1989-December 31, 1994

Sold 1400 houses in 5 years, for a profit of 1.2 million dollars.

bachelors degree in insurance.

Cape Town University, graduated with a 3.7 G.P.A.

Honor student, works well with others.



My resume, also includes a picture of myself, and my capabilities, and skills, i hope to hear back from you, and am ready to serve under whatever profession you put me in.



little Joe’s story

Once upon a time, there was a little moon Phase named Joe.
 One day, while Joe was waiting in line, to audition to become the next moon Phase, but when he got to the front of the line Earth, the planet who he would be working with, stopped him and said “Joe! you cannot be the next moon Phase, you can’t show up for another four days.” “Aw, come on Earth! who cares if I’m a few days early, they won’t notice!” Earth finally caved in, mainly because Joe flashed him his big blue eyes, and gave him a  puppy dog face. Earth finally caved in, and told Dennis, the Waxing Moon, that “Joe’s getting the job, sorry kid.” Which caused Dennis to go insane, and fling himself into the sun. After poor little Dennis burst into flames, the NEAP & Spring Tides went off the wall, causing tsunami’s in Alaska and Texas, and severe water receding in California and New York. Soon after, Dennis’ mother Waxing Moon, named Phillis, and his father, Waning Moon named Tom, came to the scene of Dennis’ demise, and stared bleakly towards the sun’s Corona that was littered with his moon rock fragments. Joe was blamed for Dennis’ death, and was shunned from the Milky Way Galaxy, only to be replaced by his little moon brother; Steven.
Joe wandered the universe for thousands of year, until he came upon a 2 million year old Star  named Elsie, who was experiencing her Super Nova , as he saw her heaving, and crying from pain, he realized, he and Elsie were the things in her galaxy. He approached her, and asked in his sweetest voice “ma’am, I see you are in a lot of pain, is there anything i can do?” to which Elsie replied “Yes, yes there is you fine young man, as you can see, I am going to Super Nova, and no longer be a part of this galaxy. And if you are willing, I’d like to spend it with some company.” and as soon as she finished her sentence, she exploded into millions of different baby stars, and soon she formed into a Black Hole, sucking Joe into it, sending him to an alternate universe, back to a happier time, where he stayed for 600 million years, until he died.  

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